Treehouse Apartment Building The Way It Should Be!

FeaturedTreehouse Apartment Building The Way It Should Be!

via Mega-Treehouse is an Entire Apartment Building.

25 Verde is just amazing folks and I think you’ll agree.  I can only say that #YourtMutha is quite pleased with this new apartment building that was recently erected in Turnin, Italy.

earth speaks out

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Let’s just say it; The Italians have a certain class that America could do well to imitate here.  Talk about bringing the green to the gate.  This stunning apartment building boasts 150 Mature Trees and another 40 down in the courtyard.

earth speaks out

The 63 Unit Complex creates a unique way a living that cools down the place in the summer and keeps clean fresh air circulating at all times.  Tree can do that, you know?  It’s an amazing thing that EARTH created on her – and I’d say it’s a grand little miracle myself.

earth speaks out
earth speaks out
earth speaks out
earth speaks out

earth speaks out

earth speaks out
earth speaks out

And if this apartment building isn’t enough to inspire you to go green check out these gorgeous little tree houses.  Earth knows I’d do anything to live in one of these beauties!

Enjoy, pass it on and peace out!
earth speaks out

earth speaks out

earth speaks out

earth speaks out
earth speaks out

earth speaks out

earth speaks out

tree house literally
tree house literally

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This building even harvests and collects rainwater and uses it to feed the plants and trees that garnish it.  It’s an eco friendly dream come true and Earth and her personal dummy (that would be me) have never been so proud of the human race!  You’ve really done it this time, folks.  Now keep these coming.  We only need about 1/2 Billion more and we should be good to go.

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earth speaks out